Hangata re khona ho khotsofatsa bareki ba rona ba hlomphuoang ka boleng ba rona bo botle, litšenyehelo tse ntle le thuso e ntle ka lebaka la hore re bile le litsebo le ho sebetsa ka thata ho feta, 'me re e etsa ka tsela e sa jeng chelete e ngata bakeng sa OEM/ODM Manufacturer China 113.28. 900 1022mm Sing Row Crossed Cylindrical RollerSlewing Bearing with Internal Gear, Ka nts'etsopele ea sechaba le moruo, k'hamphani ea rona e tla tšoara molao-motheo oa "Tlosa maikutlo ho ts'epo, boleng ba pele", ho feta moo, re nahana ho hlahisa bokamoso bo babatsehang bo bonahalang le moreki e mong le e mong.
Hangata re khona ho khotsofatsa bareki ba rona ba hlomphuoang ka boleng ba rona bo botle, litšenyehelo tse ntle le thuso e ntle ka lebaka la hore re bile le litsebo le ho sebetsa ka thata ho feta, 'me re e etsa ka tsela e baballang chelete e ngata.China Slewing Bearing, Slewing Bearing with Internal Gear, Lilemo tse fetang 26, lik'hamphani tsa litsebi tse tsoang lefats'eng lohle li re nka re le balekane ba bona ba nako e telele le ba tsitsitseng. Re boloka likamano tse tšoarellang tsa khoebo le barekisi ba fetang 200 ba Japane, Korea, USA, UK, Jeremane, Canada, Fora, Italy, Poland, Afrika Boroa, Ghana, Nigeria joalo-joalo.
The side cantilever stacker e sebelisoa haholo ka samente, thepa ea kaho, mashala, matla a motlakase, metallurgy, tšepe, lik'hemik'hale le liindasteri tse ling. E sebelisoa bakeng sa pre-homogenization ea lejoe la mokoetla, mashala, tšepe le lisebelisoa tse thusang. E amohela herringbone stacking mme e ka ntlafatsa thepa ea 'mele le ea lik'hemik'hale ea thepa e tala ka thepa e fapaneng ea' mele le ea lik'hemik'hale le ho fokotsa ho feto-fetoha ha sebopeho, e le ho nolofatsa ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso le ts'ebetso ea basebelisi, ho ntlafatsa matšoao a tekheniki le moruo le ho fumana melemo e mengata ea moruo.Thepa e na le mefuta e 'meli: side cantilever stacker, rotary cantilever stacker. The side cantilever stacker ea k'hamphani ea rona e khona ho bona ts'ebetso ea cross stacker, ho bokella lisebelisoa tse fapaneng, ho kopana le lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tsa stacker, bophahamo ba molumo oa stacker ke 50 ~ 3700t / h, bolelele ba letsoho la stacker ke 11m ~ 50m, 'me e ka lemoha ts'ebetso e sa sebetseng ea mochini oohle le ho kopanya mochini, motlakase le hydraulic, ka phello e ntle ea homogenization, sebaka se senyenyane sa fatše le tekanyo e phahameng ea boiketsetso. Ka nako e ts'oanang, koporasi ea Sino e boetse e entse mefuta e fapaneng ea tšebelisano 'moho le lipatlisiso le litsi tse ling tsa profeshenale, tse bileng le karolo e ntle ho lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea moreki oa stacker.
Mochini oa ho tsamaea, koloi ea ho fepa, foreimi, cantilever stacker, hydraulic luffing system, kamore ea taolo le likarolo tse ling.
· Sebelisa mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea meralo, joalo ka moralo o thusoang ke komporo, moralo oa mahlakore a mararo le moralo oa ntlafatso oa sebopeho sa tšepe. Ka ho amohela theknoloji e tsoetseng pele, hammoho le boiphihlelo ba ho rala le ho etsa thepa ea ho khutlisa stacker le kakaretso e tsoelang pele le ntlafatso, re ka fihlela theknoloji e tsoetseng pele le e utloahalang le tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse tšepahalang moralong.
· Thepa e tsoetseng pele ea tlhahiso le mekhoa ea mahlale e amoheloa ho etsa bonnete ba hore, mohlala, mohala oa tlhahiso ea tšepe o ka netefatsa ntlafatso ea boleng le ho hanyetsa ho bola ha lihlahisoa tse entsoeng, le tšebeliso ea mechini e meholo ea ho sila le e boring e ntlafatsa boleng ba ts'ebetso. dikarolo tse kgolo. Kopano eohle ea likarolo tse kholo e etsoa fekthering, karolo ea ho khanna e lekoa fekthering, 'me karolo ea rotary e entsoe ka hlobo.
Sebedisa thepa e ncha, joalo ka lintho tse sa senyeheng le lisebelisoa tse kopaneng.
·Lisebelisoa tsa kantle li amohela lihlahisoa tse tsoetseng pele lapeng le kantle ho naha.
·Thepa e fuoa mekhoa e fapaneng ea ts'ireletso.
·Teko e tsoetseng pele e bolela le sistimi e thata ea taolo ea boleng.