latela konteraka”, e tsamaellana le tlhokahalo ea mmaraka, e kenelletseng nakong ea tlholisano ea mebaraka ka boleng ba eona bo botle joalo ka ha e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng le tse ntle ho bareki ho ba lumella hore e be bahloli ba kholo. Ts'ebetso ea khoebo ea hau, ke phethahatso ea bareki bakeng sa OEM China China 0.3m3 1.5m3 Standard Wheel Excavator Crusher Bucket, Ho ntlafatsa lekala la ho atolosa, ka tieo re mema batho le mekhatlo e nang le takatso e matla hore ba ikopanye le moemeli.
latela konteraka”, e tsamaellana le tlhokahalo ea mmaraka, e kenelletseng nakong ea tlholisano ea mebaraka ka boleng ba eona bo botle joalo ka ha e fana ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng le tse ntle ho bareki ho ba lumella hore e be bahloli ba kholo. Phehello ea khoebo ea hau, ke phethahatso ea bareki bakeng saChina Excavator Chepa Bucket, Bakete ea Lefika la Excavator, Khamphani ea rona e tsitlallela molao-motheo oa "Boleng ba Pele, Tsoelo-pele e Tsoelang Pele", 'me e nka "Khoebo e Tšepahalang, Melemo e Kopanetsoeng" e le sepheo sa rona se ka ntlafatsoang. Litho tsohle li leboha tšehetso ea bareki ba khale le ba bacha ka tieo. Re tla lula re sebetsa ka thata le ho u fa thepa le litšebeletso tsa boleng bo holimo.
Sesebelisoa sa li-buckle-wheel, conveyor pulley, idler, conveyor lebanta, lebili le tsamaeang, sesebelisoa sa ho khanna, se fokotsang (Flender, SEW le lihlahisoa tse ling tse tsebahalang), joalo-joalo.
Sesebelisoa sa mabili a buckle haholo se entsoe ka 'mele oa mabili a buckle, hopper ea ho khutlisa, foreimi, roller e ts'ehetsang, lebili la ho ts'oara lehlakoreng, sprocket ea ho khanna, sprocket ea redirection, tensioner sprocket, tataiso ea stock ea arc, sesebelisoa sa ho khanna bakete le likarolo tse ling.
Ntle le li-pulleys tse tloaelehileng, k'hamphani ea rona e boetse e kenyelletsa li-conveyor pulley tse sa sebetseng tsa GT, e leng sehlahisoa se baballang matla le tikoloho 'me se fihletse boemo bo tsoetseng pele ba machabeng. Pulley e sa keneleng ho roala ea GT e nka lisebelisoa tse manganga tsa tšepe tse ngata tse kopantsoeng le bokaholimo ho nka sebaka sa lera la rabara ea setso. Bophelo bo tloaelehileng ba tšebeletso bo ka fihla lihora tse fetang 50000 (lilemo tse 6).
Re bolokile likamano tse ntle tsa tšebelisano 'moho le bahlahisi ba bangata ba fokotsang lihlahisoa tse tsebahalang malapeng le kantle ho naha. Letsatsi la ho fana ka sehlahisoa le ka netefatsoa hantle 'me theko e ntle haholoanyane.
Li-scrapers, liketane, joalo-joalo.